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6.11 Design Options for Screens

The design of screens can take many innovative forms. 2 & 3 show sliding screens which can be moved between desks to provide a more individual learning environment. 4 & 5 show how it is possible to wrap acoustic screens
around a small group of spaces. These screens can be used to reduce noise levels within a given area or to contain noise from multimedia equipment. 8 shows a range of free standing, architectural, horseshoe screens, adding diversity and design interest to a space.

Whispering Circle
Incorporating screens into furniture is an interesting way of adding screens to an open plan space. The whispering circles 6 & 7 show one possible option. The advantage of using a circle is that the sound is focused and kept within the circle; the containment of sound is shown in the modelled sound map 9. The intense colour highlights how the teacher’s voice is maintained within the central whispering circle

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